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All In The Asylum

"A great book if you've ever provided solace for those who have tried to make sense of their own mental health or the health of a loved one. In the words of the author: “How can anyone hope to spot an illness that by its very nature distorts perception? Instead, why not proactively seek out mental health resources for the family from the get-go?” ( Review)

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This important book about family, relationships, parenting, and motherhood chronicles a mother’s return to the dead end where she grew up and finds through her children’s eyes the beauty beyond straitjackets.

All in the Asylum is the first work by June Thiemann, a teacher, writer, and child advocate in Minneapolis. The project began 22 years ago after giving birth to her first son. Naming him after a brother who committed suicide, she began to put names to other absences in the family. She couldn’t complete the memoir until she figured out a strategy to keep herself and her kids from disappearing.

About The Author
Originally from central Illinois, June Thiemann is a mental health proactivist who now lives in Minneapolis with her husband, three kids and, more recently, a dog.